Feb 16, 2009

Valentine's Day Festivities

Hope you had a fantastic V-Day! We had a lot of fun. A little non-tradional I guess, but so so fun. I don't like going out Valentines Day night because everyone else is out and everywhere is crowded and I always feel so hurried. Not how I want to spend a romantic night out! So Markham and I will have our night out on a different night in the future ;)

So we invited Dylan, Ashley and Parker for the weekend. We treated them to Raclette! They are big fans now too. We had a great time. We ofcourse ate too much, and played hours and hours of our new favorite game, Princes of Florence.
Kaity and Parker had a lot of fun together as always. They had a Valentine's Dinner together too. Wasn't quite as fancy as ours, but it is what they wanted. Isn't Kaity's hair out of control?! Tell me about it! It refuses to grow any longer than her shoulders and she resists any styling her poor mother trys to subject her too. I usually save such battles for Sundays. Barrettes? She yanks them out. Headbands? Forget about it! The only thing I can really do is a Bam-Bam kind of pony tail on the top of her head, which gets old, you know?! So to all you moms out there with little girls with all kinds of hair, that is always styled to perfection, just know that I am insanely jealous!

Kaitlyn and Parker playing the game.
Dylan you are such a cute Dad, you guys should really have another baby! ;)


Ashley said...

Great comment at the end!!! Love it!! Dylan already read this post too.... haha!! We did have so much fun. And I now love raclette. I want one now. So So FUN!

I think that Katie's hair is so cute!! I love the why you do it and when it is curly out of control she is so adorable!! So don't worry too much mama April! :)

Thanks for a great night! Love you guys!

Olivia Singleton said...
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Melissa Hernandez said...

I agree, I hate going out on Valentines Day, it's insanity!! I am glad you had a nice night with friends!! How RU feeling?

Mariann said...

That sounds like tons of fun. Kevin is dieing for a rematch of the train game (he isn't competitive at all). I love Katie's hair it is so cute and curly, just remember to be happy you have a little girl's hair to play with even if it doesn't last.

Matt and Tracy said...

what a fun valentines day! i love, love, love kaity's curly hair! she is absolutely adorable!! looking forward to seeing you guys the last week in april?! will you be around???