Feb 21, 2009

Confessions of a Mean Wife

Meet Mocha.

The dachshund puppy we had for 10 days.

We scrapped together all of our Christmas cash and then some to buy her. She was a very, very cute little pup. But, wow she was smelly. Being in my first trimester of pregnancy and feeling nauseous all the time, the smell and the task of potty training the little animal was more than I could bare. I had no idea it would take so long (more than a few days) for the little k-9 to catch on to the whole "don't pee/poop in the house" idea. I was wrong. It was rough. It was freezing outside. Standing out there waiting for her to go "potty" and finally giving up, bringing her inside where she promptly relieved herself on the floor was a bit more than I could handle. And the chewing! The incessant chewing on everything, including Kaity's fingers, was all too much.

But Markham loved her. He really really did. So I tried, I really did. It just was a lot harder than I imagined it being.

One night after work, being very aware of my distress, Markham said, "Well, we can try and sell her." With tears welling in my eyes and feeling like the most awful wife in the world, I replied, "I just can't do it."

I broke my poor husband's heart. And I am not proud.

You may wonder why I am posting such a shameful confession. I am posting this because I am still impressed with Markham's unbelievable patience and understanding towards his pregnant, sometimes mean and crazy wife. Thanks for being so great Mard. I love you.

The morale of this story appears to be: Don't concede to bringing a new pet home that will require unimaginable work in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, especially if you don't have a particular affinity for said pet.

Please note: Mocha has a happy new home in Colorado with other puppies of her kind. She now lives with dog lovers, which is what she deserves.


Melissa Hernandez said...

Congrat's on the Boy!!Let the Shopping spree's begin!!! I wish you lived closer, we could get out of the house and go shopping together!!

Lindsey said...

Oh seester, maybe you guys can try a dog again later, one that is full grown and already potty trained.......that is the only way I will even entertain the idea with Jake-so thanks for the heads up!!

Kelli and Chad said...

Puppy's are so hard. NO way I could have gotten one when I was pregnant. We did the dog thing before the kids thing, it broke me in for a baby! Congratulations on having a boy!! So happy for you.

Annie said...

i totally think you were justified in wanting to get rid of the dog! i have also been TOTALLY affected by smells and can't stand the way everything smells! Everytime Russ eats at that Blue Iguana restaraunt with the Deloitte people, I can't stand the way he smells! I make him wash all of his clothes, coat, take a shower, etc..but there is something about that place that makes your body just smell for days! by the way, congrats on the boy!

Jessica said...

awe! Don't feel bad, you can try again later (maybe...haha). Your husband is so sweet! Congrats on the pregnancy! yay!!!