Jul 19, 2008

Buckin' Bulls!

So my poor husband from southern California, land of palm trees and surf boards, had never seen a man ride a bull....so Saturday night we went with our friends, Kyle and Becca, to watch some cowboys do their best at 8 seconds. Markham was so proud of his shirt....so appropriate, don't you think? A friend brought it back for him from Spain.Miraculously, no one was mortally wounded. A few trampled men, sure. I cringed the majority of the night and was grateful I didn't have to witness something horrific.
Kaitlyn didn't quite know what to think. Between the announcer and the music being 800 decibels louder than necessary and the crazy men riding wild bucking animals, it was all a little too much. What a Daddy's Girl!! I hope someday we have a son and he is totally a Mommy's boy... it's only fair.
There's a smile!!! Chocolate chip cookies always make her happy, isn't that true for everyone! We had a great time. Now Markham can say he has seen a man ride a bull ;)


sunny said...

That looks like fun watching crazy people walking into a death trap. You guys are such a cute family. I love your big pictures!!!

Lindsey said...

I love the shirt! I think it would be splendid if the whole family had shirts that matched:) and I have never been to a rodeo either...tell mard to not feel so bad:)

Lindsey said...

PS...thanks for the fun memory!! i love you to death! Thanks for being me and Lindsey's big sister! your awesome!! I love the arnold story....truely i have never been so scared, but felt so safe with you and your knife. You have got skills girl!

Olivia Singleton said...
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Ashley said...

How fun! I have never seen that either. I think I would be sad at the end when they kill the bull. Or do they do that here? I know they do in Spain... oh well. We miss you all! Kaity looks so cute! We are hearing tons of stories about here with Monte and Linnell being here. Every time we get in the car Parks wants to look at pictures on your mom's phone of Kaity. He yells for it until she gives in! It really funny what a softy she is. Parks is just loving her so much. He wants her to hold him more than me! Its so funny! I love that he loves his grandma so much!

I miss you! And we will see you soon! I know you are moving, and its coming up quick here! Will you be able to read Breaking Dawn before the move? Or will you have to wait. I am so excited! I cant wait. I already pre-ordered it and helped your mom do the same.

We love you guys! Tell Kaity Parks misses his cousin!

april said...

Ashley- they DO NOT kill the bull after! That is so sad, we would not go and watch if that was the case. They just ride them, or get bucked off. The bulls are just fine :) You are funny!