Jul 27, 2008

Bear & Elmo

Kaitlyn needs her Bear and Elmo before she will go to bed. She cuddles one in each arm until she drifts off to sleep. If she doesn't have them, she calls for them. It is pretty cute. It would be a grave mistake to ever leave home without them and ofcourse she still needs her "B" (pacifier) She is super attached to it! She has chewed through a couple of them, so I just cut off the tips. I refuse to buy anymore... we shall see.


Ashley said...

What a freakin Cutie!!! I cant get over it. Did you cut her hair? It is just so cute! I love her bangs.. and how its so curly. I want a girl.... :( Love you guys!

Four Marrs and One Venus said...

Such a Hottie!!~ She is sooooo stinkin cute! We miss you her so much-- and you and mard too of course! Excited to see you all at christmas--!! Can't believe they are almost 2! wow- it went by fast! Loves to you from all us Marrs!!

sunny said...

she is so cute! Such a different face than on Sunday at church...kids and their naps!

Chixon said...

Your girl is so cute. Looks like you guys are having lots of fun. Congrats on the house. Glad your dreams are coming true :). Dixon

Lula. said...

Hey guys...its Lauren (Griffith) Brutsch. I stumbled upon your blog through those Milner sisters, etc...

Anyway, looks like life is wonderful and your little girl is DARLING! Her curly hair is to die for. I hope all is well! Check us out at brutsch.blogpot.com

Darrington Family said...

April! Isn't is crazy that we are maddied and have our own kids! I was just thinking back on our days in Jr. High....sleep overs, going to Sun Valley...we had so much fun! Now we are moms and life is so great too. It just has gone by so quickly! I'm sure glad we were friends back then and still are! You have such a cute family! You look So happy!