Mar 17, 2008

All Work and No Play.....

What dedication!! What devotion!! What discipline!! The madness continues. Work all day and most of the night and then spend whatever time is left over studying. What a party!! Look at those dark circles!

I wonder if he remembers I am his wife. He looks a little uncertain.
All work and no play makes April a dull girl. I am afraid I have gone a little nuts. The other day I decided the shower just wasn't white enough. So I decided to make a paste out of comet and water and apply it to the grout with a scrubber --painstaking. I used nearly the entire can of comet, bleached out my shirt, and sustained brain damage in the process.....but it is white!Honestly, there has got to be a better way!!! If you know of one please share.


Melissa Hernandez said...

If you here of a better way to clean soap scum, let me know. Hmmm...maybe tommorow I can google that, and see if any cool ideas come up. I'll let you know.

Lindsey said... have gone have damage to your brain. Come see me...we will make it all better. If you want some serious fun....mix different about a circus ride:) just kidding, that is bad, evil, wrong. Please don't turn me in, or judge me.