Jan 3, 2008

Settin' up Camp

My parents gave Kaitlyn a little tent for Christmas, complete with a sleeping bag and flashlight, they don't mess around!! So Markham decided to put it up for Kaity to play in. I am guessing she can do it herself next time, judging from all the help she provided.

It looks so cozy in there, it's making me want to curl up and take a nap!
Thanks Grandpa and Grandma!! I love my new tent!


Lindsey said...

So stinkin cute!! It was so fun to see you guys tonight! I am so sad I missed the bean. She is darling in these pictures!! I love how she is helping little mard. And just so everyone knows, I have seen this sweet tent first hand.....I was slightly jealous.

Ashley Mae McKnight said...

April! You were dating Markham last i saw you, ya its been a while. You guys look so happy and you are adorable with the dark hair! Its so good to see you. Your little girl is beautiful!!

Melissa Hernandez said...

We need to get our little girls together so we can laugh at their cute little faces. Where do they come up with them? They make me smile!

Matt and Tracy said...

DON'T feel bad at all. I give people crap all the time when they don't post in a while. I just didn't want to admit that I actually did that. But now that she is better, I feel much better and was more inclined to post about it. Feel free to get on my case ANYTIME about posting....sometimes I do procrastinate and it's good to get a kick in the booty!