Apr 28, 2024

Recital and Spring Show Time!

Grandpa and Grandma have been so great to come and support the kids when they can. Grandma has come for every single of the girls' recitals since we moved here. It was fun to have them here again this spring! I am amazed at how Kaitlyn has the energy to keep going all day.....day after day after day. 
Valentino's is a delicious tradition! 
We love Tina! She is our favorite waitress and has served us almost every time we've been.
Hockey game with Grandpa! 
All the Red Door girls came out to support Kaitlyn in the Pacesetter Spring Show. Their friendship is a treasure and I love them so much.
Addie and Spencer
I'm so proud of my girl!  She really put herself out there this year. 
It took some bravery and courage for sure. 

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