Dec 14, 2019

Addie's 7th Birthday!

What a doll! We took her McDonald's at lunch time. Her favorite!
Her BFF Caroline
 Livie came and played before the party
 Her party was at the Obstacle Ninja Warrior kids at Firewheel. They had so much fun! 
 She wanted me to make her a Frozen cake. 
I'm not winning any baking championships anytime soon but I did my best. haha
Kinley, Caroline, Livie, 💗Kennedy, Emma and Amy
 Opening presents from all her cute friends. 
 Happy Birthday my love! I can't believe my baby is already 7. It makes my eyes misty when I think about how fast time goes. Dang it! I wish I could slow it all down.

Addie has the biggest heart and is so kind and helpful. She is thoughtful and loving and makes sure everyone has a friend. She loves dogs and wants to be a "dog doctor"someday. She works hard in school and is reading so well. Her teacher sends me frequent notes about how helpful and kind she is in class and at recess. She is also helpful at home and often asks what she can do. When I ask her to do things she often replies with "my pleasure."

She has a lot of friends at school but I think her very best friend is still Jackson. They have so much fun together. She loves playing soccer and is a fierce defender. She is also enjoying acro at the dance studio. I'm so dang lucky to be this girls mom 💗💗💗💗

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