Mar 3, 2016

Addie Cake

Addie loves being outside and is quite a little explorer.
We've been going on morning walks together and it has been so beautiful! We watch the birds and always get excited when we see a kitty. Yesterday we spotted 2. It made this little girl's day.
 . She loves the bird house in this shot.
 When we are done, she likes to stop at the park and hit the slide a few times before heading home
 Learning how to ride a scooter
It wasn't all lollipops and rainbows. She got quite mad and threw the scooter down, called it stupid and went in the house and cried. After a few minutes she came back out and tried it again.
I didn't let her see me smile
I love you lou ♥

1 comment:

Maj said...

Fun for Addie, great exercise for you. I love a morning walk. Addie's smile- it's infectious!!!!