Jan 11, 2016

Our Saturday Adventure

Markham occasionally gets the itch to get "up in the mountains." He isn't getting the ample opportunities he used to since he's no longer in scouts. Back in those days it was at least 1x a month.

Anyway, the kids wanted to go sledding, down the road at the golf course,
maybe 5 minutes away at the most. However, Markham was determined to take them "real sledding" up in the mountains.

So he gathered up all our sleds, snow gear, hats, gloves, etc. and we set out. It was a beautiful drive. He was getting his bucket filled.
After 45 minutes, we arrived at the "spot"  
Here are some people that were already there.
Upon getting out of the van, we realized it was beyond cold. Bone chilling actually with a bonus wind. Yikes. But we were determined to get out there and do it at least once since we had come all this way.  As we were getting all bundled up in our snow gear....we came to the awful realization that we.... had.... forgotten..... Kaity's coat!!


This will not work! She will die out there! 

We stood there for a few seconds, processing the situation.

Markham offered his coat to her. I had to veto. This is where it ends. No one is going to freeze to death on my watch.

We packed it up and headed back down the mountain.

 Epic fail? Nah. We enjoyed the drive. It was beautiful and it made Markham happy so with all things considered, it was a win. 
He had packed my camera so I had fun taking pictures on the way home.

The girls both sacked out.
 Kaity is behind Jackson totally unconscious. My little Jackson stayed awake until the last 10 minutes.
Markham still owes the kiddos a sledding adventure. When we got home he offered to take them to the golf course but they were cured of the desire, at least for awhile.

I'm sure he'll make it up to them. He's an awesome Dad like that.♥

1 comment:

Erin said...

Bummer!! At least it was a nice family outing!