Jul 22, 2015

July Haze

Well this month has been hazy. A mixed bag of fun, misery and disappointment.

Markham's parents were here and we had a really fun week planned. Early on we went swimming, watched fireworks and went out to eat to celebrate Markham starting and really liking his new job, Hooray!

Then I got sick. Really sick. I had a little sore like ulcer on my lip and whole bunch inside my lips. I chew and bite my lips, seriously gross and nasty habit I know. But anyhow I thought I had really mutilated myself good. Maybe I had gone a little too far this time. These past couple months have been so stressful with the job thing and possibly having to move. My anxiety level was off the charts. It's a nervous habit and it has been a very nervous time.That being said, my lips hurt so so bad, Like ON FIRE with pain, which is not typical. Then the headache came, like someone had taken a sledgehammer to my face. Excruciating headache and chills like someone had left me outside on the porch in January. I couldn't get warm. Then a few minutes later I was hot, so hot burning hot I was sweating, but then cold, somehow still sweating. Then the stomach pain. I was a mess. So awful. I felt awful and I looked seriously disgusting. One sore turned into more sores overnight. My tongue had sores, my gums were red swollen and painful. The only way I could even think about brushing my teeth was to first numb my entire mouth with "Magic Mouthwash" a rinse the Dr had prescribed. My lips swelled. I looked like I was surviving some kind of nightmare Botox gone seriously wrong lip infection, yuck. So anyway, all of that kinda ruined any fun I was going to have all week. In fact this nasty thing, lasted 2 weeks. I am finally looking and feeling almost normal. After a round of penicillin and steroids that didn't help, then a round of antivirals my lips don't look as though they are rotting of my face anymore. Great news!!

Thank goodness Markham's parents were here. There ran the show while was in bed. That was a blessing.

3 serious cuties on the 4th of July. That day was fun.  The last day I really felt good. 

The kiddos had lots of fun with Grandma and Grandpa. They went to a couple movies, went swimming and went to the Treehouse Museum. Kaity had dance camp for 2 days so she missed some of it which is a bummer. But Grandma spent a lot of time with her in the kitchen baking cookies and making other treats.
Roxy had a friend all week. Markham's parents brought their dachshund Scout. 
They kept me company on the couch.  
They were always a little nervous when everyone left. They would sit here and watch the front door. 
Markham surprised me with the patio set I have been pining for. So much fun!! 
We have spent many evenings outside enjoying the fire
 We even had a cook out!! It was great, hot dogs and marshmallows just steps from the house without the lingering nasty camp fire smell!! So Perfect!!!
After I started feeling a little better we took the kids to Station Park to watch the water show and to have a treat. Cobbler Cove is super yummy. We also did some shopping at Nordstrom RACK for our upcoming trip to Hawaii!!!!
 The kiddos were mesmerized.
I am so grateful I am feeling better because now I need to take care of Kaitlyn who is battling the nasty thing. Poor little Addie also was hit. Fever of 104 for 4 days. I am praying hard that Jackson and Markham will be spared. Dr. thinks it is hand, foot and mouth disease and it is AWFUL.

Thanks Jan and Doug for everything while you were visiting!! All the yummy meals, running around, entertaining and caring for 3 children and all the yard work! Our grass and bushes look wonderful!! ♥♥♥

1 comment:

Erin said...

Poor April! I feel like a lousy friend for not knowing you were so sick! I'm glad you are feeling better!