Dec 31, 2014

First snow at the new house

We love our new house a lot. We especially love having more space. The garage has been a dream. I don't have to store the stroller in the back of the van anymore!!

This night, was the first time, we thought that having a bigger driveway does have its drawbacks. Markham shoveled it and by the next morning it was buried again. He had to leave for work early so I told him I would tackle it. Ha. What a mistake that was. Talk about back breaking labor! We need a snow blower, stat!!
 At least I had company while I shoveled. After about 15 minutes, I really wanted to join Jackson. It looked really comfortable. But I wasn't even half done yet. I had just cleared the stairs and sidewalk. I moved onto the driveway. After another 30 minutes or so it still wasn't done but I was. A little snow on the driveway is not going to bother me.
Maybe I need to think about strapping a contraption to Roxy and having her plow it. The Grinch did something like that didn't he?!
Ahhh- A girl can dream.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Seriously, shoveling is the worst! I'm realizing that now that we have a corner lot with tons of sidewalk that has to be shoveled! oi