Aug 31, 2014


So it has been too long since I posted. This month has been a hacking my lungs up blur. I've been so miserable. I can't remember the last time I was this sick.  But hey, now Markham and Adelyn have it. awesome.

Anyway, here are a couple of pictures of our lives this month
Look at all those beautiful peaches!!! Our little tree was LOADED with these delicious things. We gave a lot away to friends, and still ate them like mad for a couple of weeks. We especially love them in oatmeal ♥
 and of course in fresh peach pie!! YUM! 
The kiddos were big fans
But we still had so many! so we cut them up and froze them for smoothies and dutch oven cobblers this fall. Can't wait.
 With Kaity back in school, Jackson and Addie spend time playing together. It's pretty cute. Jackson is the best brother ever. 
  The Ogden City Temple is complete and is gorgeous!!! We are so excited :) We took a drive up to see it and after ate at In N Out. What could be better?
This picture is awful quality but too cute
 The stake party was loads of fun. The kids ate pizza, ran sack races, danced, watched people get bucked off a mechanical bull, played games and ate candy.
This picture is the best. I guess Jackson couldn't reach the head of the man so they switched. ha ha 
 Markham took the kiddos to the Bountiful rec center to ice skate. Me and Addie stayed home and napped. I was worried about their ankles getting tired but they went strong for 2+ hours and didn't want to leave! 
 Afterwards, they went to Fiiz and had these yummy specialty drinks and sugar cookies. WOW sugar overload! Kaity ordered the "Mean Chic" Jackson ordered the "Summer Snowman" and Markham enjoyed a "Berry Good Dr." 
Fun times!!
So that's us in a nutshell this month. 
This is the first Labor Day weekend in as long as we can remember that we are staying home. 
It's kinda nice just being us.
Fall is coming ♥♥♥ and I can't wait!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you guys are so fun.
i'm jealous of all those peaches. our tree snapped last year in a storm and we only got 1/4 of what we usually get. :(but peaches really are the best.