Mar 25, 2014


Adelyn is 15 months old. That is crazy. Her well check revealed that she's in the 61st percentile for weight at 22lbs and 16th for height at 29.5 inches. Her growth has slowed a lot. Exactly like Kaitlyn and Jackson did. -Start out as a giant baby and get smaller the older you get-  seems to be the Carroll kiddos M.O. 

Unfortunately she has another ear infection, or just the same one as a couple months ago. She was on 2 rounds of antibiotics and even after that it seemed her ears were still bothering her at times. The Dr said if this round doesn't clear it I need to take her to an ENT for tubes. super yucky. I really really hope that doesn't happen. 
This girl loves her brother A LOT. She is his little shadow and crawls around after him all day long. She must do what he does and eat what he does or she gets very irritated. She is developing quite the strong will and very much likes things her way. She has a piercing scream she uses to alert you of her discontent. It's impossible to not be very aware when things are not right. She lets everyone know. LOUDLY.  This girl is no push over.I am working through this. with lots of diet coke and kisses. She gives wet kisses with the cutest grin. When she flashes those perfect little dimples and that gummy smile I am smitten.  

 She loves loves loves dum dums. She know where there are in the pantry and if I don't close it, she helps herself. Once she gets her hands on one, I do not take it away for fear of her screams giving us both permanent hearing damage. I just try and make sure its closed. So much easier. Some days she gets more dum dums than are good for her I am sure. I could move them higher. I will do that.
She loves playing with Jackson and in the afternoon, this is where you will find us. On the ground with a big mess of toys surrounding us. Life with little kiddos can be so exhausting and messy but I'm really trying to savor these moments for I know they pass quickly.  
I love you Addie. You will always be my baby. 

The picture of happy

We got the kids a new playset for the backyard. It's fabulous!! They are always out there, which makes us all happy. This is my view out the kitchen window. perfect.  Markham even loves playing on it, probably because he's so excited to be done putting it together. He handled it like a pro. 

Little Jackson taking a minute to feel the warm sun. 

Mar 17, 2014


We spent last weekend at Kaity's first dance competition of 2014. Her team is so totally adorable. They had 3 numbers and did great! Congrats little ones on getting two- 1st place and one- 2nd place!! Way to go!!
Being silly
Their first number was at 8am (yikes), her team was supposed to be there an hour early to stretch and run their number. Kaity and I had to get up bright and early and get her hair and make-up done. We were there by 7,  excited and a little nervous. This is the first year she has been nervous. I remember after her very  first recital when she was three, she stepped off the stage and said, "I want to do it again!" At that point I knew we had many years of recitals ahead of us. She loves it.

We are proud of you Kaity and love to see you dance!!

Mar 13, 2014

This is a big deal

My little Addie Cake can go down the stairs by herself!! oh my goodness. I am so excited!!! It's so cute to watch her scoot backwards and feel with her foot for the first step. It does my heart good. 
Now she explores the whole house, goes up and down and back again all by herself!! 
This is awesome!!

Mar 2, 2014


It has been BEAUTIFUL outside! oh my goodness. It does my heart good to see the kiddos playing outside together. All the snow is gone and the sun feels AMAZING.
 Little Addie loves to watch them. She'll be out there with them soon enough. She's almost walking, but not quite. 
It's hard for me to believe she's already 15 months.  The last year has been a blink.