Sep 20, 2013

i love this.

I walked into Smith's a few days ago and the aroma of pumpkin chocolate chips cookies wafting from the bakery made me grin. Sweater weather, pumpkins, hot chocolate and changing leaves is happiness. Oh how I wish it would last longer. We've been opening our windows at night to let the crisp air in. It's just so awesome. I woke up last night just to snuggle back in next to Markham.

A quick overview--

Jackson is loving preschool. It feels strange when him and Kaity are both gone and it's just me and Addie. Today after we dropped him off we went to the store to pick up few groceries. Back at home, I did a Jillian Michaels DVD while she dozed in her car seat, for most of it. She is usually so patient with me. I took a quick shower and we went back to pick up Jackson.  I fed Addie and put her down for a nap. Jackson and I had lunch and afterwards he played the wii. I started the process of figuring out what clothes need to be packed away. I realized Jackson had only 3 pairs of jeans, 2 of which are worn with holey knees. So I got online and ordered him a few more from The Children's Place. They are on sale and I have a coupon! Love it. I buy everything I can online anymore. It's just so much easier than hauling everyone out to the mall, which always turns out bad.

Kaitlyn is back in school after a 3 week track break. She of course loves school and is doing great. She loves to read and is currently reading a series called Silverlake Fairy School. They are cute. A little Harry Potteresque except with fairies. It's fun. She is keeping busy with dance 2x a week and playing with the cute girls across the street. I am loving where we are right now. Awesome friends who are also your neighbors, perfect.

Addie is such a little doll and getting so big so fast. I took her to her 9 month well visit this week. She weighs 19.5 pounds ( 68th percentile) and 28.5 inches (80th percentile). She is an easy and happy baby. She giggles and smiles and rolls around all day. She sleeps from around 830-9 until 730-8. We have peaceful nights again and it's a beautiful thing.

Markham has been super busy with work and scouts. It sometimes gets tough when he works late all week. I begin to feel as though I am going a bit insane but I remind myself how grateful I am. We had a date last Saturday and it was just what I needed. Sushi and Red Mango. Ahhh what a nice night. We came home and watched "Now You See Me, Now You Don't." Interesting, didn't make a whole lot of sense, but entertaining and fun none the less.
 Snack time
A wwf session. One of Jackson and Addie's favorite pastimes.
 My little student. Always so careful to complete her homework
That's us in a nutshell.  Loving the cool weather, just got a new pair of boots!! Life is good. 

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