Aug 2, 2011

Happy 2 years Jacks!!

It can't believe my baby is 2! He is such a little cutie. He makes me giggle and melts my heart all day long. He is so funny and is saying new words every day. He is very polite and makes sure anyone who sneezes gets a "bless you."

He is a little chatterbox and repeats everything Kaity says.  He is so fascinated by everything she does and follows her around like a little shadow. When he can't find her he shrugs his shoulders, holds his arms out and says, "where's kaity?"  He is lucky to have such an awesome big sister.

He loves throwing balls, climbing, running around and getting filthy dirty--such a boy. He is a tough kid! At his 2 year well visit, he had to get a shot. I hate shots, and feel so mean holding the kiddos down for them. I was really impressed, because he didn't even whimper! What a champ!

I feel so lucky to be this little guy's mommy. Happy bday my little man!


Maj said...

"Elmo" really turned out great!! Maybe you ought to start a bakery.....0h that's right- you do own a bakery!!

Four Marrs and One Venus said...

Love the comment mom! haha! It was a great 2nd birthday, so happy we were there to celebrate! Jacks is a cutie-pa-tootie.. I can't get enough of him!