Apr 22, 2011

The First Scout Excursion

Markham is excited about his new calling. He is 2nd Counselor in the YM, so he is over the Deacons and gets to go on all the scout trips. He has awesome memories of being in scouts when he was a kid and is excited to pay it forward. He hopes to be a role model for the boys like his leaders were for him. What a guy.
I'm super exited too because now he can go and get his camp on and get all that sleeping, eating, going to the bathroom outside, etc. business out of his system. I'm not really a camper.

He has been very busy getting all of his gear out and ready for the campout they have coming up. After he had it all packed, I insisted he get on the scale to see how heavy it was.
The thing weighs 40lbs!! They are hiking a mile into camp, never mind other hikes they have planned. WOW, good luck with that. 

Meanwhile in other news, Jackson has been busy blowing me kisses. 
It's just too cute.

1 comment:

Four Marrs and One Venus said...

Oh Mard. Looking good in that Scout Shirt! :) ( did mom have to mail that to ya!?) and Jackson.. you are adorable! can't wait until I see you so you can blow me a kiss! Have a great week Carrolls! Love- the marrs