Dec 18, 2007

Merry Christmas!

We wish you all a Merry Christmas. I have all my shopping done!! I love that because now I can really relax and enjoy the true meaning of Christmas and reflect on what the Savior did for all of us. Christ was the first gift of Christmas and the most important one of all!


Brooke said...

Impressive shopping! I love you as a brunette btw. Merry christmas to you!

Melissa Hernandez said...

I just sent you a christmas card today. And I thought, what the heck I will just google their name, and sure enought, I found your blog. I will have to add you to my blog list. I hope everything is going good. I can't believe how big Kaitlyn is, where did the time go? What a QT!

Matt and Tracy said...

What a great post! And, by the way, I LOVE the hair!!!

Kelli and Chad said...

Merry Christmas! Hope you guys have a great one. We went down to Californis for the Dr. Phil show. I figured your mom might have told you. My sister in law Jennie fights constantly with her husband and we are really worried about her kids. Crazy huh? My husbands family is never lacking with the whole drama thing!