May 27, 2024

That's a wrap on the 2023-2024 school year!

Congrats Jackson! 
He had straight A's, perfect 4.0! I'm really proud of him! He took a few really advanced classes and worked really hard. Nailed it! 
Addie killed this year too! 
She had a perfect report card as well! Way to go babe!!
And last but not least, Kaitlyn! 
She held strong as well! 
She held her class rank of 23 out of 764. Perfect 4.0!
"W" Awards! 
"Shining the Way" What an honor for my Addie! Nice job my love!
She requested lunch at Chick-Fila to celebrate! 
Ms Hamm and Mrs Huggins are still her favorites! 
Teaching this year was a fantastic whirlwind! 
I had a blast with my POD Pal, Holly. We had a lot of fun in the portable together. Next year brings change though. We will be in the building and I have mixed feelings. I'll miss my bathroom and sink!! Art is messy! 
It felt weird packing everything up. It seems like yesterday I was moving in.
Kelly and I before one of the last music programs/art shows. 
Ready for summer!! See y'all at the end of JULY!

May 19, 2024

"The Cleanest Town"

Addie and her 2 closest friends joined a drama club after school on Fridays. It was a bit of a mixed bag but they followed it through. Markham was helping with her very tricky sandals before we left. Nerves were high, but Jackson lightened the mood being his silly self. 
Ready to go! She looked so adorable.
They were adorable and hilarious on stage.
I just love them.
We all came to support her. She was a little embarrassed and overwhelmed.
Big sister was so proud!

Love you Addie! Way to go!
The cutest friends
Ellie! Such a great friend too! 
I'm so proud of you Addie! 
You stretched and grew out of your comfort zone and it was awesome to watch!